United XXV all Rootes Show and Concours d’Elegance
Saturday, August 27
Antique Boat Museum
Clayton, NY

Clayton, NY is the quintessential river village on the banks of the St. Lawrence River, only twelve miles “up river” from Alexandria Bay.

The Antique Boat Museum houses the largest collection of freshwater antique boats and engines in the world.

Enjoy an antique speedboat ride around Calumet Island overlooking downtown Clayton. Or take up the oars yourself in a St. Lawrence rowing skiff.

Lunch will be served at noon in the river shed on the museum grounds.

Did you know the Sunbeam Imp engine has been used in racing boats? Fuel injected – diet of methanol – red line at 9,500 rpm, top speed of 106MPH!! (on the water)

Lots more to see and do in Clayton and the museum. Check out: www.abm.org and www.1000islands-clayton.com for more information.

Rootes To The River Host,

John Miller, III

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