The “Rotisserie” described in this article, was spotted by my son, with an Alpine hanging in it upside down.
After years of weathering, the fiberboard trunk panels begin to look pretty bad. If you are getting ready to tackle this project, the steps found here should help.
Over the years that I’ve owned convertible Sunbeams I have always wondered if I could handle the installation of a new convertible roof myself. Doing so could cut the total cost about 1/3 to I/ 2 depending on which installation shop does the job.
The stylists’ and customers’ desires for frameless door windows on convertible cars present the automotive engineer with a number of problems and life is made more difficult when the winding window has to fit both a hardtop and a well-engineered soft-top frame.
By Joe Parlanti (Originally published as two articles in the Rootes Review – Vol. 33, No. 5, May 2007 and Vol 33, No. 6, June 2007) Most of us with original wood steering wheels are aware of the issues attributable to age and exposure to the elements. Some people prefer a more modern aftermarket wheel, (more…)