This is the every-five-year event designed to
gather Sunbeam owners from around the country and the world!

September 13-17
Independence, MO

The website has (and will have) all the information as we have it.

Early registration lasts ONLY UNTIL JUNE 1.
Not much time to save a bunch of money!

The event will have all the great and usual activities:
Driving tours, local attractions, Concours, Autocross, Famous People and AWARDS BANQUET!

Check the schedule
Registration is here 

Be sure to click TEAE as your primary club!

As of April 27, there are some issues with the Hotel reservations.
The dates shown for the reservation are only from  13-17  but the EVENT is not over until the NIGHT of September 17.  So you want to CHECK OUT September 18!

So be careful if you make your reservations now. We understand this will be fixed shorty.

Pay careful attention to the instructions here

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