- Produce two versions of the final document
- standard quality uploaded to https://www.teae.org/cars/rootes-reviews/
- press quality is sent to printer
- Turn off all hyphenation
- TEAE does not have a / (
TE/AE) - RootesReview is one word and italics
- Page titles have top of caps at the top grid line
- Nothing goes above the top grid line or below the bottom grid line
- All content is two columns wide (unless it’s three)
- Text to the right of images is .1″ from the image
- There are preset styles for
- Normal body font (Century Schoolbook 11pt)
- Article titles Rockwell Extrabold 18pt blue
- Subheadings: Rockwell 14 bold blue
- For sale titles: subhead style
- Captions Arial 10 italics are in a text box with no background color #595959
- Bylines are 11 pt Arial .4” from right margin
- Table contents are in ARIAL
- New members are in a table with Arial not larger than 12 pt include city, state, and region
- Numbers
- Spell out numbers to ten
- Ordinals for dates only. NOT superscripts
- First thru tenth
- 1th etc. No superscripts/ Same size on the same line
- In race reports: Turn 1 (capital Turn and ordinal numbers OK)
- Uniteds (no ‘)
- Make sure links work for pdf
- Tables are Arial 11
- Time (small caps)
- AM
- PM
- MkII
- MkIA
- Images
- Half size image 3.5”
- 2.4″ is width of 1/3 column
- Generally insert image twice the final size for the best quality in the pdf
- Italics club member names
- Want ads: price align right. Emails Arial
- [Ed note: ]
- MPH … small caps
- Continued from more than one page back (should include a subhead title)
- Continued from page 14
- Date: EVENT calendar date
- Town indent calendar
- Half page ad: 7.75×4.5 .jpg or .png preferred
- Small Rootes ends article
- Drop caps at the beginning of the articles. Rockwell 2 or 3 lines high

- If a continued article is not the top of the page then include this as a delimiter from the article above.