Alpine Fastback Hardtop Plans

During the Classic Motor Show, at a particularly busy time in the Archive Centre booth, a quiet gentleman handed in a wrapped package without any explanation. Then he disappeared into the crowd. It was a short while before the package was opened to have the contents “checked in” to the archive. What a discovery! An (more…)

Who swaps out a perfectly good Tiger engine?

Brad Phillips of is swapping out a stock 1966 Tiger engine for a Ford 289 HiPo V-8! Watch the progress on YouTube. Each of the episodes is less than 10 minutes; some much shorter. Here’s the first one: Speaking of shoe-horning big engines in small cars Check this thread at Morgan Hill put (more…)

Tiger Tom Ehrhart’s Amazing COVID Birthday BASH

So I’m coming up on 80 decades of childhood. I know, I know, it’s another milestone one is supposed to celebrate. I mean as a kid we always enjoyed birthdays. When you were seven and had a party. It was exciting. When eight, another party and just as exciting.   So OK, what’s the difference (more…)

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Proposed 2020 Bylaws Updates

According to our bylaws, notice of proposed amendments must be published in the official publication of the corporation at least thirty days prior to the annual meeting or in case of a mail ballot, thirty days prior to publication of the ballot. The proposed changes were published in the March 2020 issue of Rootes Review (more…)

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Denso Style Alternator for Your Tiger

If you are like me and drive your car a lot, an alternator may be a good alternative to the original generator used in our cars. I’ve had my car on the road now for about 13 years and have covered over 30,000 miles with no charging issues whatsoever. Initially I installed a GM 1-wire (more…)

Next SUNI Planned for 2021

We’re finding content from old events… to remind you how cool these events were.. and will be. Check out this video from SUNI IV (2004) of George Boskoff and Carroll Shelby talking about the early days of Shelby American and the creation of the Sunbeam Tiger. If you dig up old content on the website (more…)

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The Forum

Find other instructions for the new membership site here. Forum structure The forum is structured in several parts: You can get to the Forum from your Profile page, explained below. Or you can click on the Forum link in the top navigation on the site. You do not need to be logged in to READ (more…)

Report on United XXXVIII

The Sunbeams started to arrive on Wednesday afternoon. No reason to put off the start of the event, so a group of us walked a block to dine at one of the great restaurants near the hotel, Buzzard Billy’s Flying Carp Cafe. Official registration opened in the hotel lobby about noon on Thursday and the (more…)