Just what does SUNI mean?

Few people know purpose/meaning of SUNI. SUNI is an every-five-year event designed to gather Sunbeam owners from around the country and the world! Think foundation for Rootes America started by Andria Hellings and Tiger Tom Ehrhart. Sunbeam United National International. Now you know. Original pronunciation was SUNNY: Like the weather we hope to have! It’s (more…)

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This is the every-five-year event designed to gather Sunbeam owners from around the country and the world! September 13-17 Independence, MO The website sunbeamsunited.com has (and will have) all the information as we have it. Early registration lasts ONLY UNTIL JUNE 1. Not much time to save a bunch of money! The event will have (more…)

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Concours Rules and Judging Sheets

In early 2021, TEAE completed an update of the rules and judging practices for Concours d’Elegans participation. This version, dated August 1, 2021, replaces all other versions. It includes the new Preservation Class for original cars that have not been “subject to any ‘significant’ restoration efforts.” Or read it below

Board Meeting: February 21, 2021

Video Conference Meeting was called to order by President Jim Lindner on February 21, 2021 at 1:05 pm Following Board Members were present: Tom Calvert, Tom Ehrhart, Joe McConlogue, Eric Gibeaut, Dave Reina, Sy Block. Barb Geschke came late Also present: President Jim Linder, Vice President Gary Holman, Treasurer Rob Harter, and Secretary Kerch McConlogue (more…)

Photos Needed for Alpine Judging Guide

If you own an original, near original, or correctly restored Alpine we need your help, especially if you have Series I, II or 3 cars, and ST cars.  If your car has been modified but still retains original parts or features, we might need photographs. Find the list of photos we’re looking for here  but (more…)

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Tiger Engine Study

Ron Fraser has been studying all the stock Tiger engine group configurations from the Ford part number point of view. Hopefully this study will add some details to the collective knowledge base of Tigers and eventually clear up some details about the Tiger engines.

Alternator Conversion Updated

Wow, it’s been twenty years since I first worked on this alternator conversion.   I’ve had no problems with since then.   But recently I have received some questions. So I thought it’s time to revisit and update the story.   Twenty years ago I had a low-quality digital camera plus I wanted to look and see if (more…)

Life of Aunt Helen Swift

Aunt Helen Swift: TEAE’s matriarch has finally left us on our own. Aunt Helen has been a fixture in our club since it started in the 70’s. She never held any office but did not need to. She was simply the center piece of any United with husband Wally trying to upstage her. We all (more…)

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