16th Annual British Car Day: 2000

Hosted by The British Car Club of Charleston Show Date: Saturday, October 28, 2000 Patriot’s Point, Mt. Pleasant Come enjoy the fun and good company among some beautiful British Cars! Welcome . . . The British Car Club of Charleston invites you to join in the festivities of our 16th Annual British Car Day at (more…)

BASH 2000

(That’s  Bring A Sunbeam Here) Click on a picture to advance to the next one. [nggallery id=4]

Because Three Won’t Fit

From Rootes Review Vol. 26, #3, March 2000 By Jim Morrison The Tiger pictured here received the first place award in the Concours Personalized class at SUNI III in 1999. I am quite proud to have accomplished this against some extremely nice cars. But it is even sweeter because of how the car came to (more…)

President’s Letters: 1999

July 1999: Change Change & it’s happenin’ all the time. And it’s happening here at TE/AE in a number of ways. You have read about some of the changes and initiatives towards change previously in this column. In this issue I wanted to present some changes that I hope you will agree will make TE/AE (more…)

United XXI

Click on the image to get to the next picture. Move your mouse over the picture you should see a caption on the picture. [nggallery id=8]

Report on United XV – 1992

United XV Charleston, SC by Bobbi Woerth We were early arrivals at the Marriott. As we pulled into the lot we saw Eric Gibeaut sans Sunbeam running around with last minute details demanding his attention, and he was grinning from ear to ear. [An aside about Eric and Joe: These two accepted a gargantuan task (more…)

United 14 Photo Gallery

Read about this event. Clockwise from Top: Mike Smith holds Judges’ meeting before contours. Barry Schonberger’s race Tiger won 1st Competition. Shades of Darth Vader…early Series Alpines stand out in the crowd! John Engle presents #1 Stock Alpine to Fred Levit. Starting to organize the contours lineup. The cake served at Contour lunch looked as (more…)

Report of United XIV – 1991

United XIV Presidents Corner by Dave Reina After working on my car and playing personal life hooky the month before the United, I’m only now (in September) getting caught up with home life and business. I centralized my two-week vacation around the United date, which allowed me to get in a few days of concentrated (more…)

Report of United XIII – 1990

United XIII With the United fast approaching, let’s take a moment to reflect on the Canadian event of last year. First, a special thank you to all the companies who supported TE/AE, SSOCC United 13 in Toronto (October 4-7, 1990). Remember–these folks supported us please support them: Auto Graphics General Mills Restaurants Beverly Hills Motoring (more…)