from the May, 1995 RootesReview My car “clunks” when I take off from a start. What could this be? Probably your universal joint (u-joint) is worn out. The Tiger uses TRW part number 020049. Any jobber should be able to cross reference the TRW to the brand they carry. The Alpine unit can be purchased (more…)
by Stu Brennan in the March 1996 RootesReview You can shut off power to most of your Sunbeam’s electrical circuit with the ignition switch. But, there is still quite a lot of +12V in parts of the wiring harness, including portions unprotected by fuses. When my Tiger isn’t going to be used for an extended (more…)
reprinted from Motor Trend, December 1990 in the March 1996 RootesReview Many questions have arisen about the use of silicone (DOT 5) brake fluids in their cars. I spotted this article in Motor Trend explaining the advantages and disadvantages in their use. As you read this, you will get some idea of what is the (more…)
Reprinted with permission from Steve Dold (Diesel Marine) from Nor-Cal SAACs DRIVEN, August 89 in the March 1996 RootesReview As many of you may know it is sometimes very hard to start your car, or should I say restart it, after you have run it on a hot day. This Tech Tip is a reprint (more…)
by David R. Harris in the March 19996 RootesReview This is a hint that others may want to incorporate into their wiring and the reasons are as follows: Most drivers today are accustomed (when driving in the dark) to operating their vehicles with better lighting than what is available with ordinary sealed beams. There are (more…)
by Gary Cooper – STOA in the March 1996 RooteReview Before fitting your hardtop to the car there are a few things that you need to consider and do. For starters, any major movement of the parts mentioned below may expose damaged or undesirable painted surfaces. Unless the top seems too loose, don’t attempt this. (more…)
by Eric Gibeaut in the January 1996 RootesReview According to Rex Funk-who has authored several Alpine articles in the TEAE newsletter, as long as the engine is apart, go ahead and update the cylinder head to use unleaded fuel. Valves may be used from a Datsun 510 while lead-free seats are pretty much an off (more…)
by Eric Gibeaut in the January 1996 RootesReview Chances are, the accelerator pump diaphragm has dried-out during storage. This is hard to diagnose as it appears to be an ignition problem so after you check the entire ignition and replace questionable parts the problem is still there! Don’t ask how I learned this. An Alpine (more…)
by Herb Mosley- C.A.T. in the January 1996 RootesReview Primitive by some standards, that seat mechanism is pretty well designed, but may need some attention after a few years of neglect. Two-driver families can find repositioning the seats a real struggle. Spraying oil at the rollers and tracks is just not enough to get them (more…)
by Ron Ressman & Ira Balestrieri in the January 1996 RootesReview (Reprinted from Shelby American) In our opinion, one of the nicest things in the Sunbeam Tiger is the burled walnut dash panel. It’s also the source of constant aggravation for owners with the epoxy finish invariably spider webbing and cracking, caused by age (due (more…)