by Tiger Tom and Fred Baum in the September 2007 RootesReview: When tightening the securing nut, does it in fact tighten because the nut was bottoming out on the steering column or because it ran out of threads? The steering wheel telescoping lock works just like a bike fork works. If you ever took a (more…)
by John Logan in the September 2007 RootesReview: This Information is based on discussions I had at a recent Hillman car meet in Streetsboro, Ohio with one of our members, Allen Lee. He and his wife Alice, from Martinsville, IL, are owners of the beautiful 1953 Alpine and a 1955 Talbot Saloon that they brought (more…)
by Gary Moore in the December 2007 RootesReview: There was a thread on the Tiger list about loose tonneau studs and how to make them tight. Club member Gary Moore responded that there is a product called “RivNut” which can be used. It is installed like a pop rivet but is a nut pocket. Harbor (more…)
by David Franchi in the December 2007 RootesReview: The crankshaft pulley for a Tiger is Rootes part number 6100031, Ford part number is C4JZ-6312-A. Only industrial Ford Truck dealers could order this part about 20 years ago. You won’t find this pulley on anything but a Tiger or an old Ford industrial engine. The overall (more…)
by Clark Vegazo in the December 2007 RootesReview: I was reading the latest (August) issue of HOT ROD magazine, when I came upon an article about the proper method of flaring tubing. It brought me back to 1981. A friend & I were driving north on I-95, heading for the United-V in Savannah, GA. Driving (more…)
by John Logan in the January & February 2008 RootesReview: This article is based on a technical presentation given in November 2006 by a spark plug engineer at the Robert Bosch Corporation (“Bosch”) North American Technical Center in Michigan. Steve White of Bosch assisted in obtaining slides and permission. The information has been edited in (more…)
by John Logan and David Franchi in the January 2008 RootesReview: As I understand, the Tigers didn’t originally come with back-up lights but were a dealer added option. It’s been many years since I have seen the switch but it should be located on the shift linkage bracket that is bolted to the left side (more…)
by John Logan in the March 2008 RootesReview: This article is meant to help answer the question, “Should I have my original 260 or 289 cid Tiger engine rebuilt or replace it with a 302 and will it fit?” Long time owners probably won’t find anything new here but many new owners have been asking (more…)
by Richard Fritz and Fred Baum in the March 2008 RootesReview: Richard has three Alpines: a 1953, a 1963 Series III and a Series V. The Series V has not run in about five years and he decided to resurrect it from deep in the bowels of his garage/basement. We had started to work on (more…)
from the April 2008 RootesReview: The Rootes brothers, William and Reginald, began a car sales business after the First World War. They built a successful dealership in Kent before setting up shop in Long Acre, London. They took over Piccadilly’s Devonshire House in 1926 and used this facility as their headquarters. The brothers’ reputation was (more…)