Tigers in Australia

Australian Classic Car Magazine , 1993 Shared by Jeff Eakin

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2023 Hilton Head Island Motoring Festival – Car Club Showcase

If you’ve never been to a Concours d ’Elegance, it’s something you should try, at least once in your life. It’s truly an experience to see the best of the best automobiles gathered together for you to see their timeless design and flawless beauty.  Cars of this quality are rarely seen singularly, let alone at (more…)

Cars at Kiawah River
A Volunteer’s Perspective

By Richard Fritz The long awaited, prestigious car show, Cars at Kiawah River arrived on a dark, dreary Saturday morning in October.  I volunteered to help with the event because it is such a popular and well-attended event, and I knew the planners appreciated all the help they could get. This year’s venue was brand (more…)

Elections for 2024

Please Vote for Officers and Board Members of TEAE Following are the resume’ s of people running for reelection as officers and board members of TEAE. Terms and expirations are listed on the About Us page. The ballot is at the bottom of the page. If there are two people in your membership you may (more…)

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The Sunbeam Tiger 60th:
A Documentary Film

Release date planned April 2024 The first full length documentary film about the fabled Sunbeam Tiger since Stanley Schofield’s superbly crafted The Tiger Sharpens its Claws which was released soon after the car’s launch. Made for the Rootes Group, Raymond Baxter’s informed voice over complimented well the full-colour footage. Yet to my mind the marque (more…)