Ron Green’s Car Collection Video

If you were at the United 35 in Atlanta, perhaps you visited Ron Green’s car collection. Here’s a short video of it from CaffeineAndOctane, which has a pretty cool collection of videos! By the way, this video is posted on FaceBook but you don’t need an account to view it. They probably will try to (more…)

Tiger Prototype

The Prototype Tiger Thanks to Curt Bowland for finding this story.   Check it out for some details on the development of the Tiger.

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T50 – A Few Short Tips

by George Roberts in the January 1982 RootesReview: Several short tech tips come to mind from my experience rebuilding my own Tiger Mark IA and a Tiger Mark II for another chap. Hopefully, this information will spare you some of the aggravation and frustration I’ve been through! Check your flasher unit Before ripping out wires (more…)

N57 – Survival Tactics for Your Air Cleaner

by: Rich Bakula in the August 1982 RootesReview: Within the past year, I successfully completed another project. It was the restoration of my air cleaner’s metal housing which some of the TE/AE United V attendees may have seen and mistaken as original. The original paint was peeling miserably, but I had an excellent sample of (more…)

T49 – Body and Engine Plate Information

from the April 1982 RootesReview: Q: What do the letters after the chassis number signify? A:  These letters give information on the way the car was equipped by the factory, where it was intended for sale, and what the body type was. If the car was equipped with certain options, these were indicated by letter (more…)

M47 – Tiger Alternator Conversion I

in the June 1982 RootesReview: A number of people have written asking for information on how to convert from a generator to an alternator. Although this is not a difficult conversion, I felt the length of the answer was more suited for a Tech Tip, rather than a Q & A piece. Sizing the Alternator (more…)

B20 – Water Pump Removal Procedures

by Paul Burr in the April 1982 RootesReview: I recently changed the water pump in my Tiger and would like to share this information with you. At first glance, getting the thing out looked like a nasty job, but once underway, it went smoothly. First Steps First, drain the radiator into a suitable container by (more…)

K28 – How to Remove Broken Bleeder Screws

by Gary Durborow and Tom Ehrhart in the April 1982 RootesReview: Many Sunbeam owners have discarded wheel cylinders and clutch slave cylinders needlessly because the bleeder screws broke off while trying to remove them. For the most part, these cylinders can be repaired quite easily at a considerable savings over the price of a new (more…)