General Membership Meeting was called to order by President Jim Lindner on September 15, 2021
Minutes from the last meeting were approved as posted.
Treasurer’s report
Accepted as shown in the slides 6 and 7. There is concern about the bank balance going down over the last couple of years. The main expense being the printing and mailing of RootesReview. The 2020 expense is $15,708.80. As of June 30, 2021 that total is $9380.01. Year end and first half year balance sheets are included in the slides.
Membership Report:
Membership is at 511. 27 have no email addresses. 37.6% get the electronic version of the newsletter. In 202 we lost 65 members and gained 34 for a net loss of 31 members
RootesReview/web report:
Monthly page count in RootesReview for the first 7 months of 2021 in 2021 was 15.5
Facebook numbers continue to grow with 663 members as of 7/24/21
Website use is up in total number of users over the last 6 months at 9890. Forum visitation hits 1836 per month over the first six month of the year.
Additional statistics are available in the slides posted here
New Business
United 39 is scheduled for Oakville, Ontario, CA September 15-18, 2022. It is scheduled to coincide with British Car Day, the largest one-day all British car show in North America.
Specifics of the plan are included in the slides.
2021 Elections:
Positions to be filled are: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Rob Harter is at the end of his maximum four-year service, but no one has agreed to run for the office. We continue to look for a candidate. Additionally, one board position is required. (After the meeting and more research, it is found that three board members are at the end of their terms: Tom Ehrhart, Tom Calvert and Eric Gibeaut.) All have agreed to run again. Ballots will be included in the November issue of the RootesReview. Clyde McLaughlin volunteered to run if he was needed.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Kerch McConlogue