Given to United participants who have the worst luck on the way to or during the event

Hard Luck award tiger striped sneakers
Size 13 Tiger Sneakers on 2022 offending Alpine

In 2011, a friend gave Nick Kintner, of Lakeland, FL, a pair of size 13 Tiger striped sneakers.  He thought: what fun to wear them at the French Lick United. Unfortunately, they hurt his feet, so he tossed them in the hotel room trash.  Hotel staff decided he didn’t really mean to do that and saved them from the dump.

That year, Bob Harper had a terrible time getting to the event. So Nick decided he might have to walk home and those size 13s would be just what his friend needed. 

A hard luck award was born

The shoes have been passed around over the years. I think “winners” are listed below. If we missed you, please let us know so we can add to the TEAE history.

2011Bob Harper
2014Larry MarroccaGenerator problem
2015Paul Bougie-MkIARead it here: October 2015 (page 5)
2018Gordon and Sadeea Foss
2022Joe and Kerch McConlogueAlternator
2023Don and Barb KoonsCarbureator
2024Dave LawlerDash fire