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For $36 !!! Now that is a ebay steal for sure. Coming from england. Who knows of a business that can check and repair it if needed?
thats great, will look nice in the car. However, you do know its not the "correct" clock? this is different from the factory installations in both tigers and alpines.
quote alpine_64:
thats great, will look nice in the car. However, you do know its not the “correct” clock? this is different from the factory installations in both tigers and alpines.
Other than the hands needing to be red, what is the difference? I plan on having it rebuilt and can easily have the hands painted the correct color.
Did Jaeger make the clocks? Like this one –

check the Sunbeam Alpine web site run by Ian Spencer. There is a list of clocks that were offered by Sunbeam dealers back in the day and your clock doesn’t look like one of them.
the face of this clock appears to be identical to the clocks in both of my harringtons
quote dude234:
check the Sunbeam Alpine web site run by Ian Spencer. There is a list of clocks that were offered by Sunbeam dealers back in the day and your clock doesn’t look like one of them.
Yep, wrong clock. I need a CE. 3131/01 for the Tiger. Oh well, live and learn. It is still a great looking clock for $39 shipped.
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