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Valve Cover Racing
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The B.A.S.H. this spring will feature a new competitive activity. While we’re still waiting for the salt to wash off the roads, and the weather to warm up, go out to your parts bin and dig up an old valve cover. Head into your workshop and fasten some wheels on the valve cover in preparation for some downhill racing fun!
Aesthetic modifications are encouraged, so let your creativity flow. We’ve seen everything from Piglet’s Pink Racer to City Buses. Pick a theme and take it to the extreme.
Tiger Tom will supply the track.
No propulsion mechanisms or moving weights.
Covers must have four wheels with non-metallic surface contacting the track.
Wheels can be attached to the cover in any manner and can not extend past front of valve cover.
Covers shall be actual Sunbeam/Ford valve cover.
Appearance alterations encouraged
Considering the design of the track, there are some specifications to insure your racer will be compatible. Its up to you to make it competitive.
30 inch maximum length.
15 inch maximum width.
10 inch maximum height.
10 pounds maximum.
Lowest valve cover surface ¾” or more above track surface.
Here’s a video I shot last year at the AACA museum in Hershey.