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Looking for someone to do a professional rebuild on the original C5AE water pump off the 260 in my MK1A as well as the C6OE-A pump from my HiPo 289. Would prefer an East Coast shop since I am in western NC, but am open to any recommendations. I have heard about a shop in CA called Dead Nuts On who offers rebuilding, anybody have any experience with them?
John Farley
FYI, I just heard of Dead Nuts a few days ago myself. I also will rebuild my stock Tiger water pump down the road (spending $ on body/paint currently) – keep us updated
Hi Kragh and Jackie,
An update, I had DNO rebuild my Tiger C5 water pump, cost me $180 including shipping, turnaround was about 3 weeks. They are very easy to work with. I had them bead blast the housing and it looks great. Everything feels tight but since motor is not back in the car it has yet to pass the ultimate test. They have a rebuld kit and the seal installtion tool available if you want to do the rebuild yourself. Will continue to update!
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