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    • #58175

      Hello from Atlanta,
      I recently acquired a Mark II that had been sitting outdoors for 12 years. Reasonably good condition, stock, with all components in place. I intend to rebuild the car to stock. What I would like to do first is have the TAC process completed prior to the dis-assembly. I have the following questions:
      1. Does TEAE have capabilty to perform this process?
      2. If so, how do I arrange to have this performed?
      3. Is there any other guidance you can provide me to getting this accomplished?
      4. Is there someone in TEAE that I should talk with before going farther?

      Thanking you in advance for your assistance and guidance.
      Rich Combs

    • #65715
      Mark Petri

        Welcome aboard Rich.

        Yes, there is a group of "trained TAC inspectors" within TE/AE.
        Are you a TE/AE member? There are lists of members with contact information on the "Members Only" section of this website.
        I think that Tom Calvert is the "lead guy" for TAC Inspections. I can’t remember who else is trained. Usually there is a team of Inspectors [as required by rule] at various of the larger club events, depends on who is available etc. "You" bring the car in in question to the event, and the team checks it out…
        Someone else may jump in with better details, but getting in touch with Tom would be a good place to start.
        Good luck with everything.

      • #65717

        I believe a group in Atlanta wants to be able to TAC Tigers. I believe Bill Bulpitt is heading this effort. Bill is the TEAE regional rep in your area.

        Tom J

      • #65718

        Thanks to everyone for the quick replies. Now, I am on the the right path to getting the Mark II project moving. Will be joining TEAE today, and hope to be reporting on progress as I move along. A fantastic car club experience.
        Rich Combs

      • #65719
        Mark Petri

          Sounds like you can at least start with "feelers" to Bill and Tom 🙂
          Where did you find the car? any pix?
          Will look forward to updates.

        • #65721

          Our United in Sept. will be TACing cars. Bring it up.

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