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    • #56903

      Hi, my wife and I have recently become members of TE/AE, but we are interested in meeting other members prior to October in Daytona. If anyone is interested in meeting at the “Friday Night classic Car Show” at the Tower Shops in Davie, let me know. I understand that the 1st Friday night of the month is foreign car night (may be rumor). We brought our beam a month ago and it seemed to get a lot of attention and stories from former owners. Let me know we can rope off a section for us.

    • #61175
      Mike Schreiner

        I live in Jupiter, (used to live in Lauderdale and been to Towwer shops many times) but know a couple of Alpine owners in Fort Lauderdale (They will both attend this car show). there is a large British car show here on the 7th of April. A variety of Alpines and Tigers will be there. TAC inspection of Tigers will be going on from TE/AE. A nice show….Held this year at the Queen Mary British Pub, on Jupiter Farms Road..(west off turnpike on Indiantown road….2 miles ….turn right at Mcdonalds, 2 miles down on right)…Club sponsoring the show is the GOld Coast British Car Club…..both have web sites…check for more info……..Mike Schreiner

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