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Hello All!
Lora and I have met some of you at the British Invasion in Columbia, SC and at the Bash at Tiger Tom’s. (Lora is Bob and Judy Sharkey’s daughter.) Lora is the proud owner of a ’64 Series 3 that we purchased from Richard Fitz. What a fine example of an Alpine! Thanks to Tiger Tom for helping us get it to its new home. We look forward to meeting more of you at future events and seeing new friends again.
W2 and Lora
Manassas, VA
You know… in certain families it is a requirement to own a Sunbeam. *wink* (believe me I know)
Welcome to the greater family of TE/AE and Sunbeam ownership.
Welcome aboard! Fun to see that enjoying these cars can be hereditary. Good luck with the S3.
We already see that you have the "adapt and overcome attitude" to make it in the Sunbeam world – just note the "auxiliary brake indicator" that Lora made for her parents
Mark & Nancy
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