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    • #57636

      For many years I was active in the "SUNBEAM WORLD". Due to difficulties in life I sold the last one over 10 years ago. I sold HERBEAM to Jack Lawrence in Reno many years ago after he repeatedly requested it as a birthday present for his wife. I also sold him my remaining "restore cars" and parts. HERBEAM surfaced last year in northern California and was recently sold again. The car after 18 years still looks amazing and all the work I did on it seems to be lasting a lifetime. When I sold HERBEAM the 2.8 V6 was a little tired after I drove it 67,000 miles in the car. The new owner promptly pulled it and rebuilt it and it is still in the car. I would love to chat with the new owner if he happens to come across this post. I also would love to hear from the gentleman who purchased my Series III GT that went back to Massachusetts. I am currently looking for "COLTBEAM", a car I pieced together using a 64 Automatic and a Dodge Colt Engine and 5 speed. I was experimenting with LHD and RHD steering boxes and it left my garage with operational "dual steering"! If anybody knows the whereabouts please contact me.
      I guess I have as many stories to tell as anybody and knew WALLY SWIFT well spending 2 years on duty in Washington DC with the Navy. I built all my cars in San Diego with the help of "SMITTY" when things got too tough for me. Smitty helped me do the V6 conversion in HERBEAM long before the kits were being offered. I would love to hear from anybody that used to know me.
      I currently have "0" Sunbeams but am retiring soon. I live in Rio Rico Arizona near Tucson and finally have the 3 car garage I always wanted. Well you all take care and I will be reading the posts.
      With Best Regards for SUNBEAM people always,

      Bob Willis

    • #63810

      Hi, Bob.

      Great story. Its always interesting to share historical Sunbeam stories. I’m sure we’ll be able to put some feelers out in the ether, and find out where those ‘Beams are today.

      Dual steering on "Coltbeam" you say???… we should be able to spot that 😀

      Any time you want to regale us with some "Uncle" Wally stories, just go right ahead.

      welcome to the forum,

    • #63812

      Welcome Bob! I think I bought the red Tiger model and some literature you sold on eBay a few years ago that you got from Wally. I keep it in his Alpine. I hope you can get another Sunbeam to play with. What color was the Series 3 GT that you sold? Eric


    • #63813

      Thanks Eric!
      I am glad you got to be the keeper of Wally’s Race Car – I think I told you the story of the engine that is in the car now….. Glad to see the picture again. I have one picture of Wally in this car on the track. It is an amazing car and Wally drove it well……… keeping his secrets secret doing little things like disconnecting the brake lights! Top speed was whatever the engine would wind up to in the straight ( I am sure it has seen over 6,000 rpm many times with Wally at the wheel……..he would have been thrilled if a rod came through the side of the block!
      Speaking of flying parts………I was running home once in my first Series 5 and a fan blade broke off and went through the hood. The imbalance snapped the waterpump bolts and the pump came off the block ! The car was a super coaster so I made it home (12 miles) by start up bursts to 60 mph and then coast to 10 and recycle. The motor never got hot!
      Anyway, I hope I get another car soon. I hope somebody locates "COLTBEAM", I would like to finish that project. Hope to see you some day Eric !
      Best Regards,


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