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    • #56986

      since i bought my tiger this may, i’ve been keeping a blog. i intended it only for my personal use, to keep track of my thoughts, observations, what needed to be done and when jobs were completed.

      on the off chance that it is of any use or interest to anyone else, and in case anyone cares to assist me by commenting on certain posts i have decided to share it with the TEAE forum.

      please feel free to add your comments to the blog posts, or any general comments to the latest post.

      i generally keep it regularly updated.

    • #61480

      Nice site. Keep up the blog, because it will probably help someone else in the future when they have questions about their Sunbeam. How about some more photos as you make progress?

      Fred Baum

    • #61481


      yeah i always kick myself for not taking enough photos. i was planning on documenting everthing photographically, but once you get your hands all oily, you don’t want to touch the camera 🙂

      but in case you missed it – there is a page with lots of photos – click on ‘pictures’ down the right hand side.

    • #61485

        Great blog, and yes it will help lots of people and a very nice little car you picked up there, and seems to have found a very good owner.

        As for the blog, yes always the more photos the better.. looks like you are updating more reguaraly than the board here! 😛

      • #61494

        there are definately a lot of ‘lurkers’ out there!

        since this thread was started my blog is suddenly getting about 20 hits a day, up from zero.

        …and yet nobody has left a single comment on there.


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