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    • #58019
      Gene Sokolowski

        I have read a lot of comments over the years about engine and exhaust system heat in the cabin of the Tiger. I don’t recall seeing any studies on materials and systems that could be used to alleviate the problem.

        From what I have read, Dynamat and Eastwoods thermo-acoustic products seem to be more for sound deadening than an effective thermo barrier (good for up to 140 degrees F).

        I am sure there are a number of Tiger owners who have tried different products and methods to diminish cabin heat. Care to share your thoughts and findings?

      • #65162

        Many, many years ago when I was going to install carpet i covered the firewall, tranny tunnel and floor with an insulation that I got from, I think, JC Whitney. Before insulation my feet boiled on a hot day. After insulation hot feet became a non-issue. I have a 1A with vents. Definitely something that is recommended.
        If something is listed as thermo-acoustic it seems like it would serve 2 purposes, but I would want that fact comfirmed.
        Mark L

      • #65203

        The guys at Classic Motorsports magazine have been very impressed with a certain product… I can’t recall the name.
        Maybe check their website and review their Tiger restoration articles to find the name/source(?)

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