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    • #58440

      G’day guys/gals,

      Just joined up to broaden my horizons. Never knew until today that my Commer van was also known as a Sunbeam Fun wagon in the US. Just goes to show we learn every day.

      Hope to learn some new tricks and find more info on my Commer etc.

      I have pics of my van but need to learn how to post them first.



    • #66577

      Welcome and a big howdy to you, Slugger.

      I wish there were more Commer vehicles imported to the States. We don’t see them often enough.

      The best way to post pictures is host them somewhere on a site like Photobucket / Picasaweb / etc. Then use the BB codes to point to your picture. Follow these examples:

    • #66578

      Well there is one for sale on EBay at this moment, but the bidding is slow. Finally up to $51 from $0.99! Robert … 42?vxp=mtr

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