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    • #57192
      Lori and Dave Noyes

        — 😀 I drove the car home from our mechanic’s garage today. What a great Mother’s Day!! It sounds just like I remember from 20 years ago. We even got it in our garage before the rain came. Looking forward to more nice weather!

        Before we got on our way, a passerby stopped to have a look. He had driven by, thought he saw a Tiger, and came back for a closer look. What fun!

        Lori N.

      • #62254

        Lori, I just remembered that I forgot your sons name. I trust you two had a great ride home and enjoyed your new Beam family at the BASH. Welcome. Us locals will plan local BEAM run in the fall season. There seems to be an interest in doing a picnic run up by the Millersburg Ferry. Stay tuned


      • #62255

        Lori-thanks for bringing your Tiger to the BASH-what a wonderful original car! I enjoyed hearing you tell the history of the car and how you rescued it from your Dad before he sold it. I also like it as it is the same color as my Tiger-us Arctic White Tiger owners are few and far between as most white cars somehow became red over the years…..See you at the United and bring your Dad with you! Eric

      • #62257
        Lori and Dave Noyes

          Thank you to all! Nathan and I had a great time. We enjoyed meeting everyone and seeing all the Sunbeams. We are looking forward to future events.
          There are two fun car shows here in Lancaster County that I plan to attend, and would love to see fellow club members. July 13 is the New Holland Car Show. It’s held in the community park and the New Holland Band plays in the bandshell.

          The other is a "Taste of Britain" car show in Rothsville (near Lititz) on Aug. 24. It’s a car show and polo match. If you’ve never seen polo in person, it’s a real treat. There’s usually only one or two Sunbeams — last year it was mostly MG and Mini Coopers.

        • #62260

          Lori & Nathan –
          It was nice to meet you at the B.A.S.H. last weekend, fun to hear "your story" and great to see your enthusiasm for the car. We hope to see you at future club events. I can only hope that one of our kids will want to become the caretaker of our Tiger when I no longer need it.
          I have a friend that lives in Lititz (prefers "brass era" cars), I’ll be sure to tell him to look out for that white Tiger in the neighborhood.
          (We first started attending event after purchasing our car in 1985, can’t remember if we met you or your Dad at some events back then)
          Have Fun!
          Mark, Nancy, Tom, & Sandra Petri
          Mt Royal NJ
          ’66 Mk 1A

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