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    • #58052

      I joined the club because I have an opportunity to purchase a 1967 MK1A from the original owner.I am looking for information regarding it’s value.
      In seeking information about the Tiger I have become very interested in the cars and society of Tiger owners.
      The owner of this car is a customer whom I’ve grown fond of.He is rather elderly and bought this car new in 1967.He adores the Tiger and I have every reason to believe that it is all original.
      It is not restored but in very good condition overall.
      Please contact me @ if you may be able to provide any information.
      Thank You,
      Wayne Hagood

    • #65290

      Welcome, Wayne

      If you use eBay or Craigslist as a measurement, Tiger prices are varied. Hemmings will exhibit the top-dollar cars.
      Original does count for a lot with some crowds. A TAC certificate may also enhance the value on top of the originality.
      I’ve seen anywhere from $10k to $85k, depending on the car and the condition. Its a tough market to gauge today.

      To aid your judgement to which you may compare the asking price, here are some other similar cars have been recently available on the market: … $45,000 … $49,750 … $19,000
      recently on eBay:
      B382000616, not sold at…. $46,100
      B382000764, not sold at…. $41,450
      B382000110, not sold at…. $32,100
      B382000599,…. $28,500
      B382001984…. $32,960
      B9471169 …. $30,000
      B382002565…. $41,100

      I wish you luck in your research, and hope to meet you at some TEAE event in the future.

    • #65291


      What do you know about the car other than it’s the original owner?

      Does it have a TAC certificate, what is the VIN, what is the JAL number, how many miles are on the odometer? Has anything been rebuilt, such as the motor, the transmission, the brake booster, etc.

      Can you take some photos and post them here?

      If you know the owner, all the better.

      I would ask the above questions and give that info to the members so they can chime in on their views.

      Fred Baum

    • #65292

      Thank you guys for the responses.
      Took some pics on my phone but not sure how to get posted in the forum.
      So my kid just tutored me on how to video and post:) Will get that up as soon.
      Have a few pics but no video.
      The VIN is: B382001272LRXFE, JAL661282.It has 61,000 original miles.
      Nothing has been rebuilt.The paint is original and not that great but overall it
      is in good shape.The engine compartment is original and not pretty but there are no signs of rust.
      It has not been TAC’d but I have every reason to believe that all numbers match.The car is black and
      the soft?-top is in great shape.


    • #65293
      Jeff Nichols

        Has the owner given you a sale price for the car?

      • #65294

        @ dude234. Yes.
        Trying to get a video this weekend.

      • #65313

        😀 ,
        Finally was able to purchase the Tiger!!! In need of some direction about having it TAC’d.
        Any comments will be greatly appreciated.

      • #65315
        Mark Petri

          where are you located?

          There is likely a good chance of TAC at the United next month in MD.

        • #65316

          Welcome aboard. Hope you enjoy your new ride, if not now hopefully soon. There is a wealth of info out in the Tiger community. The forum and archives can be of great help.
          Good Luck
          Mark P

        • #65317

          Thank you for your response Mark!
          I am located in Virginia.Do you have info about United?
          Their website doesn’t mention anything about an event in October.

          Hagood Tiger

        • #65318

          Maybe I should have scrolled a little farther! Got it…Hope to see you there:)

        • #65319

          Register quick, because today is the last day for discounted rooms.

          Fred Baum

        • #65320
          Mark Petri

            We are all registered & reserved, been looking forward to it since last year!
            Hope to meet you there – you can be pretty sure that a good time will be had by all 😀
            Sounds like a beautiful location, and we KNOW that there will be a lot of great folks there.

            I remember (a lttle 🙄 ) of our 1st United – I could hardly believe there were so many Sunbeams in one place…

          • #65321

            The UNITED information is all located at

            Welcome to Sunbeam ownership.

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