
Hi Randy.
Yes you can put the 351 into the Tiger.This is the route I went when I built my Lister clone.I do not think you would be wise to look at a smaller heads.To upgrade to stage 2 heads will add more width to the 351.
I found this out for my 302 which is going in my 62. It was a bitchy job to install them.The headers for the Tiger will not fit without frame work.I had to use the stock cast exhaust manifolds.Even with these I had to remove some metal off the casting.Clearance for these to the frame are + 0r – 1/8th of an inch.It was also neccessary to notch the frame to allow clearance of the exhaust manifold when torque moves the engine a bit. Carbruater height will also be changed and will be higher..This I overcome by using the 1/2 inch spacer and cutting the neck height of the air cleaner down as much as possible.Under engine torquing it does touch the hood.
Cooling and air movement are some problems.The best is to sit the engine back further to give space between the rad and fan. Get the best aftermarket COOLING fan possible.A full shroud is an option you definitly should have.Also a Griffin aluminum rad is not an option but a neccessity.
I also have the hood louvered. I do have hoses running to the back to a grid.These allow more coolant to be carried.I can contol them with manual vaves in the engine compartment.Usually I only open these when it is HOT out there.
I hope this was helpful to you.
8) Oh yes its sunny again