it’s rust free. but my body man replaced a lot of panels. there was damage to the right rear fender along the top boot door that happened at the dipper so we replaced most of the fender with sections from a tiger that had no dents. we cut up a rust free series 3 GT to restore this car. he really knows how to drill spot welds. all the welding is done and should be back in the rack next week and get epoxy primed. then a coat of filler and blocking. when it comes out of the shop it will have a rebuilt front crossmember, rebuilt rear and springs, crashpad and winshield installed, top frame and door windows, all hinges and locks,fuel tanks , brake lines etc. he says i may have the body in august so it may be at the united. everything for the car is cleaned, detailed,plated, polished and ready to install but things may happen.
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