I have a Series 5 Alpine 1966 bought off the Rootes/Chrysler showroom floor on East 44th street in NYC. Now has a Weber carb but the rear fuel tank lines are original and appear to be AOK. I occasionally add STP fuel additive [in a black container] to keep out water and whatever. I use two fuel filters.No issues with repect to Ethanol.I use high test[my 1960 Alpine set me back 29.9 per gallon in 1960] and run it year round on the East End of Long Island.I don’t believe I’ve ever repacked the wheel bearings…could that be?.Second engine. I’m probably also due to repack. the grease fitings which I haven’t done in a while..the years do go by.Dragged my wife to Get Smart…the red Series 1 Tiger was on screen all too briefly even broke down! Cute performances.I’d take Anne Hathaway for a spin anytime. Frank Mooney
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