April 22, 2008 at 7:01 pm
quote pdq67:
I have never considered changing seats. The originals look just right and are as good as any. With the telescoping steering sheel, seat back adjustment and seat height adjustment it is easy for anyone short of a giant or midget to find a comfortable driving position. For the cost of quality replacements, you can rebuild the originals to like new condition.
I totally agree. The stock Alpine seats, (Series III/IV/V), are very comfortable on long trips, and almost anyone can find a comfortable driving position in them. The added benefit, that I think is important, is that they don’t have a head rest that sticks up past the windo line, that messes up the clean lines of the Alpine.
I know that some guys want extra protection, but to me, beauty comes first. If I were worried about safety, I would buy a Volvo.