Hi Dan and welcome to the Forum. This is a fairly new forum and the whole concept of a forum for TE/AE is new. Many of our members have been around for a long time and quite a few (no one seems to know the total) probably don’t even own a computer. Or of those that do, some have never been active on a forum before. I lurk around a few other forums (Minis, Sunbeam Alpines, Jaguar XKE’s, etc.) and most of them have several regulars that spend a lot of time there. That is fine but then the other extreme is one or two folks who seem to reply to every post out there and even get obnoxious with a new owner of a car who ask innocent questions that have been asked several times in the past. There is a LOT of knowledge out there and what makes a forum work is sharing what you may have learned the hard way in the past so a new owner does not make the same mistake you did. There are lots of benefits to being on this forum-finding a part you need so you can drive your car to a show the next week, meeting folks that live near you so you can join up at local shows or just hang out together talking cars. Some of my best friends are in car clubs and by being on a forum, you can make new friends all over the world. Anyway, thanks for bringing up this subject and I hope to meet you at a show sometime. Eric
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