Mark Petri

    Here are my first ever attempts at YouTube.
    The Cunningham, in my opinion, may be the best-sounding car in the Museum. I also have a special love for the Allard as it was the arguably the first of the Anglo-American V8 "hybrids"… leading directly to the Cobra and the Tiger.
    The C4R has the aforementioned Hemi with 4 carbs, the Allard has the Cadillac 331 – with dual quads 😯
    You can hear that Kevin (Museum Curator) -driving the Allard – is not afraid to use a little more throttle than what Dr Simeone is using in the Cunningham.
    Sorry for the poor quality, I am a video "rookie". Hope that this is enjoyable.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zb7951-S … e=youtu.be