Tiger Ports of Entry

–  Brian Glenn,California Association of Tiger Owners The 1966 official Rootes dealership directory lists over 500 authorized Rootes dealerships in the U.S., as well as dealerships across Canada. What are sorely missing from the Tiger records are: which dealerships received Tigers, how many, how often and what was their Port of Entry (P.O.E.) into the (more…)

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Watkins Glen Race Report: Tom Patton

Read the next race report here This is a part of a series of race reports from Tom Patton who races a vintage Sunbeam Tiger as a class GT2 in the SCCA Watch the race videos here With the last race results at Pitt Race in the end of April we had a month to (more…)

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SOS 2022

Annual Sunbeams of the South (SOS) and SAOCA Sunbeam Invasion March 31-April 3, 2022Carolina British Classics-Tartan Day: SC Alpines | Modified Alpines | Tigers | Rare Rootes Alpines Modified and Stock Alpines were judged as a single class Modified Alpines Tigers Rare Rootes

Membership Meeting: September 2021

General Membership Meeting was called to order by President Jim Lindner on September 15, 2021 Minutes from the last meeting were approved as posted. Treasurer’s report Accepted as shown in the slides 6 and 7. There is concern about the bank balance going down over the last couple of years. The main expense being the (more…)

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Holbay Engine Survey

How many Alpines with Holbay engines are there in the US? Alpines with high performance Holbay-designed engines represent the most developed variant of the stock 1725 engine. Cars with Holbay engines are valued much higher in the UK. This survey is the first of its kind to document how many “proper Holbay’s” are in the (more…)

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Sunbeam Alpine Stock Class Judging Guide

After two years of hard work the Sunbeam Alpine Stock Class Judging Guide is finally done. It  has been researched and validated for all Series Alpines (I thru V). Including more than 300 pictures plus descriptions in this 130-page guide, the parts and pieces of the Alpines have been documented and verified by a team (more…)

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This is the every-five-year event designed to gather Sunbeam owners from around the country and the world! September 13-17 Independence, MO The website sunbeamsunited.com has (and will have) all the information as we have it. Early registration lasts ONLY UNTIL JUNE 1. Not much time to save a bunch of money! The event will have (more…)

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Concours Rules and Judging Sheets

In early 2021, TEAE completed an update of the rules and judging practices for Concours d’Elegans participation. This version, dated August 1, 2021, replaces all other versions. It includes the new Preservation Class for original cars that have not been “subject to any ‘significant’ restoration efforts.” Or read it below

Photos Needed for Alpine Judging Guide

If you own an original, near original, or correctly restored Alpine we need your help, especially if you have Series I, II or 3 cars, and ST cars.  If your car has been modified but still retains original parts or features, we might need photographs. Find the list of photos we’re looking for here  but (more…)

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