
United X – 1986 by Dan Morris Over twenty years ago I drove an eighteen wheeler car hauler to the Jacksonville, FL, shipyard to pick up a load of foreign cars. When the dock men brought out the cars they were unfamiliar, but their name was not–ten years earlier I had a spectacular ride with (more…)

United X or The Cat’s Pajamas

by Mike Mooney Who was that masked man? We, Pedro Posadas (’67 Tiger MkII) and I, had just finished a thirteen-hour trip from the Big Apple in our Tigers and settled down in the Motel (great location) on 16th in Indianapolis. Hell, I didn’t even see any Indians there. I parked my tacky Tiger in (more…)

What life in the parts emporium?

United X – 1986 by Tom Ehrhart Just ask Doug Jennings (Tiger Auto), Ed Gullett (Automotive Fine Art), Jim D’Amelio (Commonwealth Auto), Ken Bishop (TE/AE Club regalia), Rick McLeod (Sunbeam Specialties), and–of course–Mr. and Mrs. Tiger Tom. Mrs. T. T. stood by in the parts room virtually the entire time the parts room was open. (more…)

Indy or Bust

A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE UNITED… United X – 1986 by Bobbi Woerth Every club/event has its share of war stories and TE/AE is definitely no exception (have I ever told you about my first hour with my first Tiger? Room for that in another newsletter.). Our trek to Indy brought (more…)


United X – 1986 by Mike Smith Folks, what can I say about the concours at United X, Indianapolis? Well, I would like to report that everything ran like a well-oiled machine; but I would be telling a falsehood. The pre-planning by Schonberger and crew were exact, precise, and well executed in the beginning; but (more…)

President’s Report of United X – 1986

Welcome to TE/AE’s Tenth Anniversary United Newsletter! In these pages, you will find a complete record of the once-in-a-lifetime events which made up United X and which transformed the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and its Motor Hotel into “Sunbeam Heaven” for four memorable days in October!