Temperature vs. Time Interstate Driving LOOP Better Performers These were the best Interstate performers.
by Chuck Ingram in the April 1998 RootesReview Do you have heat problems with your Tiger? I desperately needed to do something. While at United XIX at Niagara Falls, Wally Swift insisted that I seethe Tiger that was using a couple of heater cores under the sill. (Ed. I’m not sure what sill Chuck is (more…)
Increased Air Flow VS Radiator Change The opening of the hood (bonnet) only buys time before the engine heats (#1) compared to the same test setup (#3). Relieving the engine compartment of airflow restrictions had an insignificant affect on temperature with stock air flow conditions. The addition of a more efficient radiator (#4) did not (more…)
Idle Temperature vs Time Stock VS ’81 Fairmont 6 cyl. The Fairmont pulley (#21) produces a significant temperature reduction at idle. Combined with an efficient fan, this produced more gains than some radiators tested.
Temperature vs Time A variety of radiators (test #,4,7,9 &10) did not in and of themselves drastically improve cooling over stock (test #2). Increasing air low with the addition of a small 10″ fan (test # 11) did. Notice that the FX(#7) radiator outperformed the aluminum radiators (#9 & 10)
Idle Temperature vs Time With Airflow Enhancements and No Electric Fan Test # 26 is the clear winner of this show down.
Idle Temperature vs Time We had to try this. There is no measurable reduction of idle temperature or increase of time. In fairness to this product. It may reduce temperature at full power at extended periods of wide-open throttle. A 1997 study of a 5.0 liter Mustang on a dyno produced temperatures 20° F cooler (more…)
Temperature vs Time Large temperature increase spikes on interstate occurred then car slowed down to reverse direction. There are no stop-n-go measurements for stock (#3A). Radiators in Tests #10A and 13A are respectable performers on the Interstate compared to stock (3A).
Flexlite 1314 VS Maverick These are two popular old time standard fans. The Maverick fan (#7) would have reduced the temperature more if the diameter was 15″ instead of being cut down to 14″. Click on image for larger view. Electric Fan Comparison This is an example of less is more. The 10″ 4-blade fan (more…)
Idle Temperature VS Time The stock system (#2) rapidly rises with no stabilization in sight. The improved cooling systems with enhanced airflow were effective at maintaining a reasonable idling temp. The use of a electric fan (#29) reduced temperature about 10° F to 12° F over the engine driven fan (#34) Click on graphic for (more…)