The banquet was held in the main lodge of the Boyne Mountain resort.  After a social hour where new and old friends chatted the group was seated and distribution of the door prizes commenced. As always there were quite a few desirable prizes and the drawings held everyone’s interest.  After dinner awards were presented for the Concours and Autocross. Tom Calvert gave a description of the Tiger 50th Anniversary events (and some touring) in England last summer. 20*********************@gm***.com“>(Apologies to a few people whose names we don’t recall. Please fill in any blanks or call out any mis-identifications in an email)


Tom Jeffers surveying the banquet hall as the festivities commence
Tom Jeffers surveying the banquet hall as the festivities commence

 The Dinner:

Clockwise from bottom: Judy Sharkey, TBD, TBD, Larry and TBD Marocca, Bob Sharkey
Clockwise from bottom: Judy Sharkey, Janice and Russ Eshelman, Larry Marocca,Shannon Nesbitt, Bob Sharkey
L - R: Grodon Foss,TBD, TBD
L – R: Grodon Foss,____ &________
Gwen and John Logan Sr, TBD and TBD
Gwen and John Logan Sr, Todd and Ann Marie Nordby
TBD, Joel Griffin, Curt Bowland, Tiger Tom Ehrhart
Joel Griffin, Curt Bowland, Tiger Tom Ehrhart
Nick and Carolyn Kintner, Kerch and Joe McConlogue
Nick and Carolyn Kintner, Kerch and (a surprised) Joe McConlogue
Banquet - 3
Background: Barb Geshke, Barry Schonberger; Foreground: Joanie Erickson, Barbara and Art Bonsignore
John Logan
John Logan kicks off the evening

The Concours Awards:

Bob Sharkey ran the concours at Boyne City Park and presented the awards after dinner. Awards were made for several classes of Alpines, Tigers, and Rare Rootes, as well as some others.

Bob Sharkey introducing the concours awards
Bob Sharkey introducing the concours awards

The Autocross Trophy Awards:

Barry Schonberger organized and ran the Autocross and presented the awards for the various classes that ran in the autocross.

Barry Schonberger introducing the autocross awards
Barry Schonberger introducing the autocross awards


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