NUMBER: 67-21
DATE: 2-7-67
GROUP: Engine
SUBGROUP: Engine Oil Leaks

SUBJECT: Engine Oil Leaks

Imp I Models

Recent investigation of reported oil leakage from the oil pan gasket revealed incorrect positioning of the ‘O’ ring seal after routine service.

When fitting a new element it is recommended that the following procedure is carried out:

  1. Roll the ‘O’ ring part no. 9107066 over one end of the element.
  2. Insert the other end of the element into the breather housing.
  3. Insert bolt (with plain washer) through the breather.
  4. Carefully locate the assembly in the crankcase and hold in position while tightening the bolt. This will ensure correct setting of the ‘O’ ring.

Imp II Models

Any restriction in the sealed crankcase breathing system will lead to excessive crankcase pressure build up and may in turn lead to severe oil leaks. It is recommended that the breather pipe running from the flame trap to the air cleaner be carefully checked for signs of kinking which could restrict full breathing. At the same time be sure that the breather outlet on the side of the oil filter neck is clean.

T.H. Bullard
Manager – Service & Parts

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