by Sylvia Grubbs

Did I actually drive on the Indy 500 track?
You bet I did. Wow, what an experience.

Let me describe my feelings (before the United) about my husband’s Tiger. Most of the time I looked upon his little green car as a big drain on our little green dollar bills. Also, I was (probably still am) an excellent backseat driver when Bob was driving–even if there is not a back seat. And when we do take the Tiger out, I constantly worry (probably never will stop) about leaving it in a parking lot unattended. Bob tells me “not to worry”-most people do not even know what it is anyways–so I reluctantly leave the car and pray it will be there unharmed when we return.

As you can see prior to the United X, my feelings for the Tiger were tolerant but not too caring. Perhaps I looked upon it as an adversary rather than a friend.

BUT all that changed at the United. I not only got to ride on the track as a passenger but as a driver. My feelings for the Tiger now are strictly respectful-that Tier is a movin’ piece of machinery when it wants to be. An it wanted to be when I was driving it. I was very good, I only hit 85 MPH. Apparently there was an announcement made that asked all drivers to hold the speed down to 55 MPH. Sorry, but I truly never heard that announcement. With the wind whipping through my hair, my wide-eyed daughter and my smiling husband beside me, the sun shining brightly upon my face how could I not love it? What a thrill!

Since I was a kid of about ten I have dreamed of actually going to the Indy 500 racetrack. Now I have been there, and I have no desire to go and see the race. Our Tigers and Alpines taking those laps have fulfilled my dreams.

For those that missed the United, you really missed an event of a lifetime. The people, the weather, the cars, and the glory of it all really made it an event to remember forever. Boy, am I glad I went.

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