Please Vote for Officers and Board Members of TEAE

Following are the resume’ s of people running for reelection as officers and board members of TEAE. Terms and expirations are listed on the About Us page. The ballot is at the bottom of the page. If there are two people in your membership you may fill out (and submit) this form twice.

If you would prefer a printed ballot to mail or email in, you can use the page in the November RootesReview or download a ballot here and mail it in. But save our trees and please vote here


Jim Lindner – Candidate for President (reelection)


I have been a Sunbeam owner and club member for ten years and have enjoyed meeting club members and other classic car enthusiasts at various car events and club activities. I have served as club secretary, Vice-President and for the past year as President. I was Co-chair for the planning and conduct of United 36 here in Virginia and assisted in organizing United 32 and 37. In 2016 I was honored to receive the Lord Rootes Trophy. I look forward to continuing to serve the club, its members and the marque we all love. Originally from New York, I currently reside in Alexandria, VA. I am a graduate of Norwich University in Vermont and I also hold master’s degrees from the U.S. Naval War College (Strategic Studies) and Long Island University (Criminal Justice.) I spent 22 years as a Special Agent with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS); and after retiring from federal service I worked for a Defense Department contractor. I completely retired nine years ago.

Rob Harter – Candidate for Vice President

Rob Harter

With over 30 years as an engineer for the Navy, I’m currently at the historic Washington Navy Yard. I’m married with two girls in middle school, Kate and Laine, who love to attend the United’s. My car collection includes a driving MKI Tiger, an inop MKIA Tiger, and various other Fords: Bronco/Falcon Conv/Mustang Conv. Our daughters, cars, house upkeep keep me busy and I love to keep in touch with other members via club events, drives, and garage visits.  

Gary Corbett – Candidate for Secretary

Gary Corbett

I joined TEAE in 2018 after many years of being away from the car hobby while I raised my children. In the past 4 years I’ve enjoyed being a regional rep, and over the past year was involved in planning and executing United 39 as part of the organizing committee. I’m happy to get more involved with the running of the Club, and feel my tale

ts and energies could be well utilized in the role of Secretary. There is a lot of effort involved in producing the newsletter and maintaining the website, so as part of my duties I can support Kerch and her good work on these important communication products. Looking forward it!

Steve Murphy – Candidate for Treasurer

Having worked over 30 years in the Information Technology (IT) industry, I retired in 2019 to spend time with my wife and two teenage children. I also renewed my interest in Classic Cars and purchased a well restored Sunbeam Tiger MKII. I joined TEAE in 2020 and have enjoyed getting to know and support the Sunbeam community though shows, drives, garage time and the on-line forums. My other hobbies include gardening and golf which keep me quite busy with travel.

Candidates for Board of Directors

Joe McConlogue – Candidate for Director

Joe McConlogue

I bought my first Series V Alpine in 1972, and have owned one or more ever since. Kerch and I took the first one on a camping trip through Ontario while in college. Back then we thought we had one of only a half dozen Sunbeams on the east coast! We joined TEAE in 1990, purchased an Alpine with overdrive in Oklahoma and drove it home to Baltimore over the July 4th weekend. What a difference the overdrive made! We’ve recently expanded our collection to include a couple of Talbots and a Hillman among other LBCs.

I took over Membership Chairman duties from Curt Hoffman in late 2013 and I’m continuing in that role. Kerch and I were honored to receive the Lord Rootes trophy in 2015. We have enjoyed the Uniteds and hosting the BASH at our home in Harrisburg for the several years. I hope to be a part of keeping TEAE the great club that it has been for many years.

Or save time, save a tree, Just vote!

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