I thought that I wanted a red car when we were looking for a Tiger, but over the years decided that the "Forest Green" was just right for a British roadster for me.
Your green looks (in the photo) like it has metallic, sorta close to what Tiger Tom had on his tow-Tiger maybe? Very pretty.
Have you been a TE/AE member long? The United is the Club’s "main event" for the year, some other clubs call it a convention… not sure what you may or may not know. They are a LOT of fun.
There is info about past Uniteds here on the forum. You can also watch for other events in that "events" section.
The Rootes Review typically has write-ups, you can look back in the members-only section of the forum to see "back issues" if you wanted.
Let me know if you want more info/guidance/suggestions/etc.