Author Unknown
Question: What size tires (the largest) will fit on a stock Alpine or Tiger front end with enough clearance?
Answer: The largest I can recall is 215-60’s on 13″x 6″ or 7″ wheels. Any oversized tire requires trimming the lip off of the front apron so tire edge does not rub when wheel is turned left or right. Be sure to trim enough off apron edge so the tire does not catch it while applying brakes when car is traveling in reverse.
Typically the largest size which may be installed without requiring sheet metal modifications is 175-70 or 205-60. To be safe, plan on 165-70 or 185-60.
There are many variables when sizing tires for your car. Differences do exist between brands and style, rim offsets and the cars themselves. The old adage holds especially true on this topic; measure twice-cut once. Nuf said!