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    • #58264

      Well I’ve been a Sunbeam owner since 99 and finally got around to restoring my car (originaly my dads car). The car was purchased in 99 from a tote the note lot in Wyle TX. It was in the back-dead row. It was givin to my dad for a b-day present. he quickly put the car in dry storage and he said I will rebuild it when time permits. Sadly cancer took him in 08 and I promised him i would take care of his car. So January last year it was blasted and new floors/rockers were installed. Since I am not fond of the controlled fuel leaks and desired a 5th gear I settled on a miata drivetrain/harness swap. The goal is to have a classic car in a modern wrapper and no more Lucas gremlins. So here are a few pics of the restoration/still in progress restoration

    • #65968

      Wow, that looks sano!

      I too am the curator of my Dad’s Tiger. He passed away suddenly 6 years ago, and I am the only one in the family that is capable of driving the car. Honestly, I have been the keeper of the flame since, oh, probably 1980 or so as a high schooler. Car never needed much but the usual preventative maintenance. It irked me that the original cloth covered hoses and fan belt fell apart and needed replacing back then…

      Dad always wanted to modify his Tiger, first with a 302, then later with a Mustang 5 speed after they became readily available in the late 80’s-early 90’s.
      I fought him tooth and nail not to mod the car, often getting into heated discussion which we very, very rarely did.

      Told him to do an Alpine if he wanted to mod something.
      Your Alpine looks like something he would have certainly appreciated, as do I.

      I am in the process of building a ’71 Mustang Sportsroof for my now 13 year old son. Originally a 351C-4V car, it will hit the street with a mild roller cammed 5.8 (351W), GT40 aluminum headed, serpentine belted, carbureted, AOD equipped drivetrain. While not a very extreme swap, it just seems like a win win situation all around!

      Looking forward to seeing more.

    • #65971

      Welcome aboard.

      Looks like a lot of hard work turning out a very sharp car 8)
      Please "keep us posted" as to the progress and results.

    • #66122

      It’s been a bit since a update so here is the latest

      Fathers day weekend the Alpine made it’s first trip around the block all on its own.

      Items i got resolved this weekend

      1. Factory blinker stock modded to the Miata harness
      2. Windsheild wiper harness built ( i think the wiper motor is bad)
      3. Lights 🙂 the car now has high and low beam working with the dash switch
      4. Factory ignition its starting on the original key
      5. Make shift exhaust (to keep "other folks happy")
      6. Working horn
      7. Temp dash installed to clean up wiring

      The dash aka work in progress

      Next will be interior after seat rails made and tires

    • #66123

      ",,, the Alpine made it’s first trip around the block all on its own"

      That sounds like good progress 🙂 and looks like some of the kids were enjoying the day!
      Does the stock hood fit?

    • #66124
      quote Mark1A:

      ",,, the Alpine made it’s first trip around the block all on its own"

      That sounds like good progress 🙂 and looks like some of the kids were enjoying the day!
      Does the stock hood fit?

      I haven’t put the hood on it yet. All measurements show it will fit just fine

    • #66151

      So it’s got new shoes 🙂 and a few shots of the dash. Speed Hut gauges are on order. Oh and i need to stretch the top a tad more and drop the front a bit

    • #66157
      quote Mark1A:

      ",,, the Alpine made it’s first trip around the block all on its own"

      That sounds like good progress 🙂 and looks like some of the kids were enjoying the day!
      Does the stock hood fit?

      here ya go the hood fits 🙂

    • #66159

      Sweet – looks like you are just about ready for the United 8)

    • #66323

      So the big day has come(sister’s wedding) and gone and I made the deadline. I have learned it is hazardous to your health driving a classic in traffic. People honk to give a thumbs up, they hang out the window taking video, and to top it off they want to chat about it driving down the road.

      the pics 🙂

      Night shot

      The drive off

      Interior shot

      before buffing

      I still have the luggage rack to rechrome (400$) and the steering wheel (maybe this winter if i choose to park it for a bit)

      So far i have 350 miles on the car and its a hoot to take out. It has become my parts runner (new and clean parts)

    • #66324

      ^^^ Good stuff 8)
      Car looks great, I’ll bet it is a blast to drive.

      Was the car "in" the wedding?

      oh yeah… what is with that stainless steel thing in the background? 😕

    • #66325
      quote Mark1A:

      ^^^ Good stuff 8)
      Car looks great, I’ll bet it is a blast to drive.

      Was the car “in” the wedding?

      oh yeah… what is with that stainless steel thing in the background? 😕

      yes the car was driven off in the wedding 🙂 Oh just a another British headache (not mine but a buddies). It also has many improvements to make it reliable

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