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    • #57511

      Was loooking forward to going to a big street legal race in Huston this week, but ended up in the hosp. for 5 days when my gall bladder ruptured 🙁
      Everything is ok now just have to take it easy for the next 4-6 weeks.
      Boy its a bich getting old 😆

    • #63431

      You are not kidding about the getting old wife was in hospital for 4 weeks for gall bladder complications.I sat there 11 to `12 hours aday.My legs went.Tough getting back to normal
      I sit on the bike machine and pedal for about 4 to 5 miles aday.No coasting either.Big bike comes down tomorrow as the roads are almost clean.
      Soon we can let the Tigers out.They growl when I come close.

    • #63432

      Chuck hope your wife is doing OK. I went to the doc yesterday and they took out the staples and said everything looked good, but still have to go to the hosp. to have a x ray to see if the stint is still in sometimes it just passes.
      Went back to work today 😀
      Yea every time I walk by the Tiger it growls at me and my wife just calls it the bitch 😆

    • #63433

      Thanks re my wife feeling better
      Actually she is really quite good now.appointment on the 22nd to see the surgeon.Right now I doubt that they will do anything.Last physio on the 26th for her.
      Old age is creeping up as if we go shopping at the mall we need rest stops.

      I do hope they find every thing is the way it is supposed to be when you see the doctor.
      Relax as we can’t make it go any faster
      Enjoy every day

    • #63434

      The only problem with me is I get my priorities mixed up and try to put my racing ahead of the man upstairs and he humbles me back down 😳

    • #63435

      Jerry, sorry to hear of your misfortune. Rest up and get better and let us know when and where of your next race outing.
      Getting old isn’t for wimps 😉

    • #63436
      quote T-GRRR:

      Jerry, sorry to hear of your misfortune. Rest up and get better and let us know when and where of your next race outing.
      Getting old isn’t for wimps 😉

      I will let you know 🙂

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