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  • Author
    • #57414

      Did anyone else receive their Rootes Review with the center page missing?

    • #63182


      I have 12 pages in both copies I receive. Contact Dan Snyder at DRS printing and bring it to his attention. He’s at DSNYDER@DRSPRINTING.COM

      Or Jim Morrison if you would like a complete copy if Dan can’t help.

      Hope yours is the only one. Maybe the mailman took it? 😆

      Fred Baum

    • #63183

      You should be missing pages 5 thru 8 which is 1/3 the issue. Are the pages actually missing or are they blank?


    • #63184

      The piece of paper containing those pages are missing, like it wasn’t stapled in. I can get the PDF from the Members Only section, not a problem, I just wanted to bring it up so someone is aware… and see if it was only me, or if there were more people.

    • #63185

      Eric-is the missing page the one with the full page photos of your IMP?
      Just wondering! 😀 😀 Eric G.

    • #63186

      I got mine yesterday, was missing the center pages 5-8 as well.

    • #63187

      New copies will be sent to Eric and Mike ASAP by Jim Morrison and also probably by the printer. So you should have double the fun soon!! 😀


    • #63188

      By the way, were either of your copies missing the pages damaged, like maybe in the mail?


    • #63189

      Mine was not damaged.

    • #63190

      Mine was still fastened closed with those tape things, didn’t appear to have any damage.

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