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    • #57375

      This is where I put my static sticker…

      Where will you put yours?
      (and they will stick from the inside)

      Thanks to our club officers for the freebie!

    • #63042

      On the wing window at the bottom. 😀 I sized them for that location, but anywhere you want is the correct answer, so long as you USE it. 😆


    • #63044
      Bob and Jean Webb

        so how do we get the stickers ??????

      • #63045

        They will be included with the new membership roster-coming to a mailbox of yours soon! Eric
        PS-I have not gotten mine either.

      • #63049
        Bob and Jean Webb

          got mine in the mail today. i just happened to read eric’s post and went looking for it .found it inside the roster. now ,how do we get more for our other cars ?

        • #63051

          I got mine today! Think I will put it on the rear 1/4 window. Eric

        • #63052

          Eric, will there be additional static stickers available at the BASH?

        • #63053

          I am not sure how many extras were ordered-I was not part of the ordering process. If there were any extras they would be coming to me eventually for Regalia sales. Perhaps Carl can join in and let us know? Eric

        • #63054

          Since I’m the one holding the remaining decals for ransom, there are about 130 extras in my possession. I can bring them to the B.A.S.H. and we can decide then what to do with them.

          Originally the idea was to send most to Jim Morrison for inclusion in new member packages, but since the rosters have them already and the roster is part of the new member package I’m guessing the rest are to go to Eric.

          I can also find out the cost of making more, maybe in a smaller quantity.


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