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    • #56963

      I have the stock Tiger front springs in the 62.
      The spindles are Mustang 2.Engine is a 302
      The problem is it sits a bit too low for me.The bottom of the spoiler sits quite low. We have speed bumps so need I say more.The question I’m asking is there a taller spring that fits that could raise the front a bit more?
      Or is there some other way of raising the front end maybe an inch or an inch and a half?

    • #61376

      Hi Chuck! You could have the springs stretched out but you will have to remove them and you will have to find someone in your area that knows what they are doing. I have a friend here in Burlington NC that could do the springs he has been into this line of work for over 35 years, he knows what to do. Good luck. 😀

    • #61377

      Hi George
      That was a fast reply
      Thought of stretching them but am wondering about that
      We do have an exceptional shop close to home.I just may have to go and talk to them.
      Actually I have 1 inch spacers to go between frame and crossmember that I was going to use but discarded the idea. I’m concerned about safety as I will not do anything that I feel will compromise the safety factor
      This will be a winter project.One more of the many that I allready have planned

    • #61378

        Springs from a hillman minx will be taller, but their rate will be softer as well. I would recomend LC holden toarana springs to you, but don’t think they are really an option except here in AU

      • #61379

        Chuck, I think the spacer is very dangerous do not use it! I think that the spring strech is the way to go with no problems, I have had other cars done this way, as long as you have someone that knows how to do it. Later 8)

      • #61380

        The spacers were for the Lister before the front end redesign and I never did use them.However these were meant for the frame to crossmember and not for the springs. I don’t believe in spacers on the springs of any nature.They are frame wide and 12 inches long made of aluminum.They also were made to be pegged to the frame at both ends.They then would have been between the frame and cross member.If I was to use them which I’m not I would have to get a longer shaft for the lower steering shaft.Right now they will be used for another project as I do need some aluminum 1 inch thick

      • #61381

        Hi Chuck,

        I was going to have new springs made for my Alpine, when I wanted to lower the front. If I remember correctly, it was going to cost $110 for the pair. If you were to go this way, you could get the exact stiffness that you want, at exactly the hight you want.

        Jose 🙂

      • #61382

        I’m not really worried about price to do this job.I do think it will be a winter job.I will look into this soon and talk to the Manitoba Spring company here.
        I take the rear springs there when they need work.They did the Lister’s rear springs.A leaf was added between the top and second leafs which took care of ther extra weight of the roof and did not affect ride.These guys know what they are about.
        As you know I need time to drive three cars.
        Oh yes the 62 is performing absolutely fantastic.Now have a total of 27 miles.It even seems to be running cool enough.see how it does city driving on Sunday as we will be going to the All British day here.This will then have the car in traffic so we’ll see.

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