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How can you identify original LAT 70 wheels from repro’s?
Repros have center caps that can be removed (I have a set)..ORIG lat 70S THE CENTER CAPS ARE PART OF THE WHEEL…(Not too good when trying to change the tire) Mike
quote mikeflbmer:
Repros have center caps that can be removed (I have a set)..ORIG lat 70S THE CENTER CAPS ARE PART OF THE WHEEL…(Not too good when trying to change the tire) Mike
When I bought my car in 1970 it had the Lat-70’s and my center caps are removal.
I think the spinner itself comes off, but not the tower that it bolts toO. The repros I have not only the spinner unscrews, but the mounting cylinder…(much easier when on tire mount machine…Mike
Thanks for the information.
Do original LAT 70 wheels include any specific letters, words, or other stampings on the inner wheel that identify them apart from a reproduction?
The repo wheel is thicker in the inside of the wheel.
I will look in the inside of my stock wheel to see if there is any markings.
I have one repo wheel and its really close to the other ones.
I still have one (1) original alloy (lat 70) wheel from my ’65 Tiger that I bought as a spare way back in 1966. The center cap is NOT removable, it is cast into the wheel with the Tiger logo on it. I had lots of flat tires, and used to curse those wheels, back in the day. Brings back memories.
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