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    • #56644
      Stephen Myers

        This car to me shows all the signs of not being a real tiger. The nonstandard dash, non standard exhaust pass through holes, and you cannot see the the fixture for the tiger spare tire.

        What do you think?

      • #60335

        Lots of strange/wrong things on that car! Nice shiny red paint though except that mess under the hood….Eric

      • #60336

        Although the trunk floor embossment is covered by the carpeting, the hole is evident from the underside of the trunk. Interesting how there is a patch underneath the battery, Algers usually don’t rust there. The rattle can (hot rod) black was squirted over the battery tabs and side wood though as evident by the image.
        The exhaust pipes are a little off because of how the headers are situated to begin the pipes journey. I’ve seen some worse headers than those and the compensation for bigger pipes can look worse than a 5 lb bag filled with 10 lbs of Pooh. The exhaust passages and pass-unders(scallops) were not fully engineered in a straight path to the rear, when original. Been there, and am just finnishing up a few pairs of frame repairs and passages as time permits. The engine compartment has the appearance of a quick Mop ‘N Glo with that same rattlecan as the trunk. Too lazy to take the motor out to paint the body.
        Many of the algers that have shown up on ebay are usually alot more cleaner indicationg major tasks performed before the paint. This , to me is just a Gussy’d up Driver.
        The body panels have the correct shapes indicating a decent body. Quite often a Mk1 Tiger will show up for sale with square cornered panels and a vinyl sof-top cover. That is a true give away. Fortunately this has a round trunk lid and the steel top covering. Did the sun burn up the original dash? Possibly the gauges did not work and were damaged by the weather,.

      • #60337

        I am almost positive, that I remember, my 1965 Sunbeam Tiger had a little access “hatch” under the carpet of the jump seat on the passenger (right) side of the car; and my battery was mounted there and it was possible to see the roadway below the actual battery. I used to open it with some type of small catch (on top) and was able to watch the springs “wind up” under hard acceleration. Also, my car was delivered to me new with chrome valve covers, not cast ones.

      • #60339
        Stephen Myers
          quote Rampante:

          my 1965 Sunbeam Tiger had a little access “hatch” under the carpet of the jump seat on the passenger (right) side of the car; and my battery was mounted there

          Tigers did not have the battery there it was always in the trunk. That hatch was used to access the fuel filter on Tigers. Alpines had the battery mounted in a box under that hatch.

        • #60340

          This car does look a little suspect.

          What is the gear stick?

        • #60341

          As stated in the eBay description and as shown in the underside pictures, the transmission is a T-5, not the orginal toploader. The shifter for the toploader was originally offset to the left about 3 or 4 inches; the shifter for a T-5 is centered and is a little further back which would explain the “shifter box” on the transmission tunnel.

          I think it is a real Tiger, just not very original and, IMO, not worth any more than the current price of less than $25,000.

        • #60342
          quote Tullamore:

          quote Rampante:

          my 1965 Sunbeam Tiger had a little access “hatch” under the carpet of the jump seat on the passenger (right) side of the car; and my battery was mounted there

          Tigers did not have the battery there it was always in the trunk. That hatch was used to access the fuel filter on Tigers. Alpines had the battery mounted in a box under that hatch.

          Well, it was over forty years ago. Sorry; I had a 1961 Alpine before I bought the 1965 Tiger. But, I do remember being able to see the road from that “hatch” when it was open.

        • #60343

          After doing all the work on the rear end of my car I noticed how much that rear end was off, but still it could be a tiger. Just my 2cents

        • #60344

          Isn’t that a humourous photo from the rear underside 8) . A driveline resembling a dog’s hind leg. 😮 I though my first Tiger was way goofy, but truely they all were underengineered. A stong axle, but a wee bit out of line 😯

        • #60348


          I didn’t notice the “offset” until you said something. I keep looking at that picture and thinking it must be an optical illusion because I can’t figure out any way for a Tiger rear axle to be that far off center in a Tiger chassis unless the thing has been wrapped around a tree at some point.

          No bids, so either the seller set the starting price too high or maybe the eBay Tiger buyers are getting a little smarter.

        • #60349

          The short wheelbase accents the off-set of the rear axle. 😕 Many people know that the boys at Jenssen did some magic with their Mallets on the Tiger Tunnel Tin and frame rails, but they also massaged the rear passenger side tunnel on the vertical. During my Tiger’s restoration, I repaired the whomps that appeared to me to be damage. Ofcourse, my education continued when I put the driveline back in. Out came the Dead-Blow Hammer, 😥
          This Tiger has not been beat on too much. Although the Pas. Side traction bar/tubing has seen Stress. Many times I’ve seen a real mess at the welded Lat bars. Usually the mounting locations have been repaired post Fun. (Or I’ve bought a few worse cars than this. :roll:)
          I would say this is a decent Driver and if the engine compartment wasn’t squirted Hot Rod Black, possibly because the factory welds were bleeding rust? I’m sure you could walk into the dealership and offer cool green cash, and they would take considerably less than 37,000. Once Authenticated.
          Once authenticated in person. Having the upgrade of a five speed driveline and keeping the original motor and trans available is a bonus.
          Hopefully, a No-Sale on this car might provoke the seller to obtain an Authenticity Certificate. In this day and age, I would call it necessary to have. DON’T buy a Tiger without One!!!
          Ebay is a great advertising tool, rather than pay the fees for the sale, why not over-price the sale and accept a reasonable off in person?

        • #60359

          Am I mistaken, but I thought all Mk1 Tigers had rounded doors? This looks like a 1A or Alpine V bodyshell.

        • #60360

          Yes, the early Mk 1 Tigers were rounded doors, based on the series 4 shell. It does have a round trunk lid though,, The tooling changed through the MK1 and the doors were the first to Mutate to square. American folklore has Sunbeams spotted with round on one side, square on the other 😛 . Maybe somebody with a short leg (chasing Hagis) could not keep up with production/transition in the assembly line. We use robots now for panel alignment.

          Rob Martel

        • #60377
          Jim Stone

            This place is not that far from where I live. I will definitely stop by in the near future, just to check it out, but can also try to go there this Saturday if anyone is seriously interested in having someone take a look. That won’t be easy, and I am leaving town on Sunday, so I will only try if someone is interested in bidding.

            However, while I have owned an Alpine for 28 years, I have little experience with Tigers and none with Algers. So, I’d need some pointers on what to look for.

          • #60422

            The first auction didn’t stir up a new caretaker but the Tiger was re-listed and purchased for the BUY-It-NOW price of $37,900.
            Having a five speed and 302 as a summer driver with the original driveline saved makes this a good acquisition . All the hard work has been done on this car and likely only minor details need to be addressed, (Like A New DASH!)

            Rob Martel

          • #60425

            But it’s not a pure Tiger.

            Fred Baum

          • #60426

            IMO, it is a lot more pure than many, in better condition than most and worth more than most by the only definition that counts (something about a willing seller and a willing buyer).

          • #60427
            quote CLEVITE:

            But it’s not a pure Tiger.

            Fred Baum

            How can you be sure it is not a pure Tiger?


          • #60430

            I guess it would be classified as a personalized Tiger. There is nothing wrong with that, as most owners probably have done some changes to their cars to fit their taste. I know I have.

            My comment about whether or not it is a pure Tiger was made to reflect the pricing of pure cars, Tigers or otherwise, and that modified cars can and have affected the pricing of the bone stock ones.

            Just my $0.02


          • #60435

            There are too many not correct things.
            -the spare tire holder
            -the fixing of the battery
            – the path through the cross member
            – and for me the worst thing: the dint whitch every MK1 and MK1a Tiger have in the engine bay on the right inner fender to make space for the generator. This car is very dubious at this place.

            In my opinion, this is an alger.
            But in my other opinion, there is nothing wrong with an alger, as the tiger is nothing else than a alpine with a V8. For me a original alpine body with the original sheet metall and the correct parts of the tiger is the same or better than a restored ex total corroded Tiger with 60% new sheet metal.

            Only my 2 cent and I know that I am really alone with this opinion.

            regards Hans

          • #60436


            Having a Tiger authenticated before it is put on ebay is not as much fun as this game. 😆 I respect your opinion and by no means should my opinion be the rule. Since I have never read the Book of Norman, my opinion has come through by experience. We have seen many Algers here in Ontario Canada, (way tooo many 😈 ). One of the MANY noticeable mistakes they make is not removing the alpine spare tire well on the vertical, and doing it without scars is not easy. This car never had one attached! 8) I’ve pointed out a few tidbits that many Algers are missing, like the hole through the trunk floor for the spare tire hold-down screw through. But few actually blow a hole through the front frame for the speedo cable. This one has it. 😉 The tabs are there for the battery, Bozo never used them and decided a new way might be better. I can’t tell if the whump is in the inner front fender for the generator because of the flat paint, but I do like seeing red paint underneath the flakey black. Gussy’d up on the cheap. Definitely this car is no where near the level of an original restoration by Scott W or Tiger Auto.
            Hopefully the new Pilot took it for a drive before the auction ended and knows the difference between a clone and a real Tiger.


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